Ness aComms is being updated to version 2.2.0, and will be released within the next day or two.
This new release will add support for the new D8xCel / D16xCel panels.
SMS is not available in Ness aComms. This is due to Google Play’s new policy of apps not allowing for SMS messages to be sent or received from an Android app.
Version 2.2.0 also adds a notification icon in the notification tray when background data is enabled in the app. This will try and force the app to keep it open in the background. While background data is not enabled this icon is not shown.
It is recommended that you use the SMS notification feature in the D8xCel / D16xCel panel to be notified when the system goes into alarm. Do not rely on the app notifying you, as if it loses connection to your panel while the app is not showing on the screen then it will not notify you, where an SMS will still display. Older D8x/D16x Deluxe panels allow the panel to call you when it goes into alarm.